Providing the best medical care for all people requires the study of the health of people of all genders and gender identities throughout life. Gender, gender bias, and biology interact with each other and are interacting determinants of well-being and disease. The study of women and gender, in relation to healthcare, allows for recognition of diversity. This then increases awareness and action against the inequalities seen in participation, treatment and bodily autonomy within the healthcare system. Central to this is the understanding that the protection of human rights is fundamental to health.
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((((("Humans"[Mesh]) AND ("Female"[Mesh])) OR ("Women"[Mesh:NoExp])) OR ("Women, Working"[Mesh] OR "Physicians, Women"[Mesh] OR "Dentists, Women"[Mesh])) OR (women[Title] OR female[Title] OR woman[Title]) OR ("Gender Identity"[Mesh])) OR ("gender differences"[Title/Abstract] OR "gender equit*"[Title/Abstract] OR "gender inequit*"[Title/Abstract] OR "gender discrepanc*"[Title/Abstract] OR "gender disparit*"[Title/Abstract])
Current PubMed Women Search Results
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