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Gibson D. Lewis Library Libguides

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

Native/ Indigenous

Artistic designNative/ Indigenous is a terms to encompass populations that are native to a specific region, existing before colonists occupied the land. Some other terms may be used in relation: American Indian/Alaska Native, Indigenous Peoples, or Native American. The resources in this guide focus on healthcare, treatment and the wellbeing of those in the Native/Indigenous community as well as increase education. Native people in America face unique health challenges such as traditional practices not being recognized in clinics and health concerns that arise from Historical Trauma Responses. 

There are currently three federally recognized tribes in the State of Texas. The nations are the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of TexasKickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, and Ysleta del Sur Pueblo. (BIA) It is also important to recognize that the traditional stewards of the land the university occupies are the Kickapoo, Jumanos, Tawakoni, Wichita, and Comanche nations. Please visit the websites of each tribe to learn more about the history and check out the resources below on decolonization.

Resources Related to Native / Indigenous

PubMed Search Strategies

To view the citations related to the suggested search string, click on “Current Search Results”. Search strategies are included to allow the user to set up a PubMed search alert. Users can also cut and paste the search strategy into PubMed and combine with additional search terms. 


(((((("Minority Groups"[Mesh]) OR (minority group*[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Ethnic Groups"[Mesh])) OR (ethnic group*[Title/Abstract] OR ethnicity[Title/Abstract] OR nationality[Title/Abstract] OR nationalities[Title/Abstract])) OR (("Indigenous Peoples"[Mesh]) OR "Alaskan Natives"[Mesh])) OR (Indigenous People*[Title/Abstract] OR First Nation People*[Title/Abstract] OR First People[Title/Abstract] OR Native People*[Title/Abstract] OR Alaskan Native*[Title/Abstract]))

Current PubMed Native/Indigenous Search Results

(Note: Results may include preprints. Preprints are not peer reviewed.)

National/International Organizations