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Gibson D. Lewis Library Libguides


Description and educational content for the use of iThenticate on UNTHSC's campus.

The Similarity Report

The iThenticate similarity report is generated after a review of a submission.  Submission may hatch and score against a number of resources.  It is normal for the report to contain multiple matches, especially if HSC standardized language, quotations, and references are used.  iThenticate's Similarity Report is part of the review process and varying degrees of matching will be acceptable depending on the type of submission.  

The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth has established the following guidelines in regards to text matching percentages provided by the similarity report.

Recommended Text Matching Percentage
Text Matching Percent Deemed Risk Proposal Submission Status
<25% Low Submit as is
26%-35% Medium May require minor revisions
36%-50% High Will require revision prior to submission
>50% Excessive Will require major revision prior to submission to an external funding agency