Find OER
Locating OER can be a time-consuming process. The library has compiled the following list of locations and search tools to make finding OER easier.
- OER Nursing Essentials (O.N.E.) Project - A collaboration between Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and OpenStax at Rice University.
- MedEd Portal - MedEdPORTAL is a MEDLINE-indexed, open-access journal of teaching and learning resources in the health professions published by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), in partnership with the American Dental Education Association. MedEdPORTAL publications are stand-alone, complete teaching or learning modules that have been implemented and evaluated with medical or dental trainees or practitioners. Each submission is reviewed by editorial staff and external peer reviewers.
- OERTX Repository - State of Texas repository of OER.
Open Textbook Library - If you are looking for a textbook this is the place to begin.
- B.C. Open Textbook Collection - British Columbia University's collection of materials created and adopted by their professors. Materials can be filtered by Accessibility as well as whether they have been adopted by BCCampus courses, include ancillary materials, or have been reviewed by faculty.
OpenStax - Collection of open textbooks, study guides, test banks, PowerPoint, and more.
- Open RN - The Open RN™ project is funded by a $2.5 million dollar grant from the Department of Education to create five OER Nursing Textbooks with 25 associated Virtual Reality scenarios.
Oasis - This search tool is created and managed by SUNY.
- Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) - Due to the depth of inclusion in this search interface the library highly recommends using the filtering tools available when you begin your search.
- Merlot - Created in 1997 by the California State University system, this repository includes thousands of resources.
OER Commons - OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.
- Open Education Global - Open Education Global (OEG) is a global, member-based, non-profit organization supporting the development and use of open education around the world.
- Teaching Commons - "The Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities. Curated by librarians and their institutions, the Teaching Commons includes open access textbooks, course materials, lesson plans, multimedia, and more."
- Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) - Collection of open access, academic, peer-reviewed books, and chapters.
- OpenVerse - Collection of over 600 million open items to reuse. Includes a large photo and image library.
- Google - Using Google's advanced search will allow you to search for open resources.
Not all content is made to be used in a classroom. That does not mean that it is not available for classroom use and would not be of use. These items are open, but technically NOT OER. Please check the licenses attached to each before editing content.