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Gibson D. Lewis Library Libguides

OER- Open Educational Resources

This guide provides an overview of OER, publication options, and where to locate OER.

Adoption- Steps for Success

Adopting an OER is the easiest way to use open educational resources in your course.  The following are recommended steps for the successful adoption of an OER:

  1.  Locate a resource or multiple resources- Finding the right resources can be difficult.  The library recommends beginning your search using the tools and resources listed under the Find OER portion of this guide. If you need help locating resources please reach out to library staff for assistance.
  2. Evaluate your OER selection- Just like with traditional classroom materials, OER should be evaluated for content before officially adopting them.  No one is better suited to this task than the professors who teach a course.
  3. Adopt the resource for use - Once you have found the perfect resource officially adopt it for your course.
  4. Notify the library - By notifying the library of the selection of an OER for your course a record for that resource can be created for the library's catalog making it easier for students and others to locate.  These records can also be used in the creation of a course library reserve shell for your students if requested. You can contact the library using the email me button on this page or by contacting us through the Ask the Librarian portal.
  5. Distribute the link to the resource to your students via Canvas or a library reserve course shell.