Developing a data management plan (DMP) to help manage a project is strongly encouraged. Whether required as part of grant proposals/applications or created ad hoc to help manage a project, creating a DMP is considered best practice for conducting research. DMPs identify methods, resources, and tools which will be used throughout the stages of a research project. DMPs can also function to coordinate the activities of all personnel involved in the project by clarifying roles and responsibilities.
It is recommended that you use a DMP and seriously consider the format and organization of your data before uploading information to LabArchives. Once the information has been uploaded HSC does not allow you to delete that content. This means that if you change how you would like your data to be organized you will have multiple copies of the data in your LabArchives account. Please be mindful of your long-term goals when setting up your Notebook.
Labs that require multiple notebooks can choose to copy an existing format when establishing each new notebook. This allows for information to be managed in a standardized way per lab guidelines.