The purpose of the Pharmacy Guidelines and Tools research guide is to provide students with a variety of clinical tools and resources consolidated in one place. This resource is designed by pharmacy students, for pharmacy students, and includes major treatment guidelines, lab reference values, commonly used clinical calculators, drug interaction checks, and a variety of patient and student forms
Clinical Guidelines
The American Pharmacists Association provides a comprehensive list of clinical guidelines covering a vast spectrum of medical conditions. APhA aims to serve as a hub where pharmacists can access the latest evidence-based recommendations and protocols to optimize patient care. Whether you're seeking guidance on cardiovascular diseases, infectious illnesses, mental health disorders, or any other medical condition, our collection of guidelines will help inform your clinical decision-making.
The APhA Medication Management Special Interest Group (SIG) reviews these resources annually to ensure these guidelines reflect the most recent versions and that you have access to the tools you need to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care.
Lab reference values indicate the range of results considered to be normal in healthy populations.